Quality of Life
The Redwood Area is a great place to raise a family and locate your business.
♦We are served by excellent health care providers and facilities across our county and Carris Health in Redwood Falls. Our municipal airport located in Redwood Falls is home to the North Memorial Air Care Helicopter Ambulance for southwest Minnesota.
♦We are fortunate to have Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel located in our County which provides excellent entertainment opportunities, convention/hotel accommodations, along with Dacotah Ridge and three other golf courses located in our county
♦We are proud of our beautiful Minnesota River Valley National Scenic Byway and its rich history and recreational opportunities. We celebrate in Walnut Grove the Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant every year for three weekends in July along with numerous other community events held across our County.
♦Minnesota Farmfest is held at the historic GIflillan Farm site the first week of every August bringing in over 40,000 visitors to our area and region! It is the #4 largest farm show in the country and we are happy to have them call Redwood County "home".