USA Competes provides economic developers with the resources to develop an international engagement strategy for your region and to be ready to compete in the global economy.
Date: May 16, 2022
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Are you interested in starting a business? Creating a business plan is one of the most important steps you will take because the plan serves as your road map for the early years of your business. The business plan generally projects 3-5 years ahead and outlines the route a company intends to take to reach its yearly milestones including revenue projections. A well thought out...
Category: Start a Business
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The checklist provides the basic steps you should follow to start a business. This list should not be construed as all-inclusive. Other steps may be appropriate for your specific type of business.
Category: Start a Business
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Category: Renewable Energy, Minnesota Agriculture Resources
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Explore the Southwest Minnesota labor market, including employment, unemployment, wages, occupations, and industries.
Category: Labor
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This report will provide you with the factual data statistical charts for labor, income, jobs, demographics, and economics for Redwood County.
Category: CEO Roundtable, Site Selector Resources
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Category: Ag and Renewable Energy, Site Selector Resources
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What is Rural Pulse? Rural Pulse is a research study that has been commissioned by the Blandin Foundation since 1998 to gain a real-time snapshot of the concerns, perceptions and priorities of rural Minnesota residents. This initiative was last conducted in 2013 and served to identify trends within significant, complex subject areas such as the economy, education, employment and quality of life.
Category: (none)
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The Redwood County Labor Profile data was gathered by Luke Greiner, our Regional DEED Labor Analyst. Redwood County has experienced a -9.2% drop in population or a loss of 1543 people from 2000 to 2017! This report is all based on data gathered from multiple datasets that gather information about the population of each county. It show trends from the past years, and projections trends...
Category: Redwood County Labor Profile. Site Selector Resources
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Select a title and then click on the county you are looking up! This is a BOOK MARK page for sure!
Category: Labor
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This Guide is designed to alert businesses to legal issues related to privacy and data security. It is intended as a guide and not as a definitive source to answer your legal and business questions. It should not be relied upon for specific legal advice. Legal and other professional counsel should be consulted. Gray Plant Mooty and the Small Business Assistance Office cannot and do...
Category: Business Resources
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Retaining and expanding existing businesses is a surer economic development bet than recruiting new ones from other towns. Extension helps communities understand local business needs and respond - so that businesses stay, grow, and become more committed to the community. Our BR&E Strategies program gets the broader community involved in comprehensive business retention and expansion planning.
We also offer here case studies, community stories,...
Category: Business Resources
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The Power of Minnesota is simple – it’s our people. We build things, invent things and care for our families and our neighbors. Click on the link above to watch the full documentary!
The Power of Minnesota supports community conversations by sharing stories – stories of people who are building a clean energy economy that is powering our communities, our state and our nation...
Category: Economic Development, Renewable Energy
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Use this link and click on Redwood County and all the 21 statistical data information you could ever want to view is here!
Category: Labor
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According to DEED’s Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) data, the 23-county Southwest Minnesota region was home to 1,113 health care and social assistance establishments providing 31,227 jobs in the third quarter of 2017. The sector accounted for 17.7 percent of total employment in the region, making it the second largest in the region, just behind manufacturing (32,579 jobs) but well ahead of retail...
Category: Labor
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This site will allow you to select date for one or more counties. This provides you data on businesses in your county providing you with employment, number of establishments, wages, average weekly wages, gross employment gains, and gross employment loss by businesses and government at all levels!
Category: Labor
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According to DEED’s Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) data, the 23-county Southwest Minnesota region was home to 602 manufacturing establishments providing 32,941 jobs through the third quarter of 2016. That was 10.2 percent of total manufacturing employment in the state. Manufacturing accounted for 18.6 percent of total employment in the region, making it the largest industry in the region ahead of health care...
Category: Labor
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Monthly articles written by DEED staff about our part of Minnesota which is a national leader in agriculture production, and renewable energy. The region’s thriving manufacturing sector includes food processing, machinery, printing, metal products, and computers and electronic products!
Category: Labor
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The Minnesota River Valley Scenic Byway was fully designated in 1996 by Minnesota State Scenic Byway Commission. The byway was nominated by many groups and individuals including:
Western Minnesota Prairie Waters Tourism Coalition
Minnesota River Valley Task Force
Region 9 Development Commission
Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission
The affected counties, cities, townships, and state agencies along the byway
The Minnesota...
Category: Play
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The Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Authority (MVRRA) consisting of Carver, Sibley, Renville, Redwood and Yellow Medicine Counties, owns a 94 miles short line railroad track from Norwood Young America to Hanley Falls, MN. Our line is operated by the Minnesota Prairie Line Inc. (MPLi). The MPLI connects with the Twin Cities & Western Railroad (TC&W) at Norwood Young America providing the MPLI with access to...
Category: Infrastructure
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You do the training and the employee does the learning. The employee learns skills unique to your business and industry. Your business is reimbursed up to 50% of the employee’s wage for the length of the contract.
Category: CEO Roundtable
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The Blandin Foundation contracted with The Improve Group in the fall of 2015 to conduct case studies of two rural Minnesota communities. The Blandin Foundation wanted to learn how they could be the best possible partner for communities in rural Minnesota, and to increase their intentionality in how they interact with communities! Their staff were particularly interested in learning about community vibrancy: what makes rural communities healthy,...
Category: Blandin Foundation; Redwood County
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Every two years, Redwood County EDC and the RADC work with the University of Minnesota Extension Service and compile a report on the retail climate of the area.
Its a great tool to use if you are looking to start a new retail business in one of our 16 communities, or to see what may be impacting your existing business, who is driving traffic...
Category: Site Selector Resources
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Valuable link to great resource tools for research and training!
Category: Research
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USDA Rural Development's Rural Energy for America Program increases the use of renewable energy sources and improves the rural economy. Funding is available to agriculture producers and rural small businesses to make energy efficiency improvements to their operations.
Category: Renewable Energy
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The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has published The Rural Minnesota Community and Economic Development Resource Guide which lists local, state, and national agencies engaged in, or supporting, community and economic development in rural Minnesota.
The guide provides information about supporting rural communities in developing affordable housing, small businesses and farms; increasing community service and entrepreneurship; the availability of technical
Category: Business Resource
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This is a great resource for education goals and planning! It will provide a comprehensive academic plan for completing a college and career ready curriculum premised on meeting state and local academic standards.
Category: Education
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Pursuant to legislation passed in 2013, the Minnesota Department of Commerce (Commerce) contracted with Strategen and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to investigate the potential costs and benefits of grid-connected electrical energy storage technology located at the utility customer in the State of Minnesota. The investigation included standalone storage and storage integrated with solar PV, and it considered both residential and commercial customer...
Category: Renewable Energy
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Minnesota has established robust clean energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals, aiming to obtain 25 percent of electricity from renewable resources by 2025 and reduce GHG emissions by 80 percent (relative to the 2005 baseline) by 2050. The state is additionally evaluating pathways to create an energy system that does not rely on the use of fossil fuels to power the economy...
Category: Renewable Energy
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Minnesota’s energy future is a matter of choice, not fate. Conducting an energy future study (EFS) offers a rare and valuable opportunity to step back from annual debates over
energy policy and take a more measured and longer-term view of the state’s energy trajectory. It is a chance to engage a wide range of stakeholders in weighing together the risks and opportunities of different...
Category: Renewable Energy
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Starting April 1, 2014, business-related storage and warehousing services are subject to sales and use tax.
Minnesota sales and use tax is due when a business buys storage or warehouse services for its tangible personal property, except as noted below.
“Tangible” refers to property that can be seen, weighed, measured, felt or touched. The tax does not apply to digital...
Category: (none)
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If you are a small business owner, you need to know how your business stacks up with the competition in order to succeed. SizeUp will help you manage and grow your business by benchmarking it against competitors, mapping your customers, competitors and suppliers, and locating the best places to advertise.
Category: Start a Business
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Southwest Minnesota is a 27-county region with its own distinct economic advantages. It is a national leader in agricultural production, renewable energy, and is on the cusp of cutting-edge isobutanol chemical manufacturing. With the availability of a quality, low-cost workforce, access to numerous colleges and universities, strong transportation
infrastructure, and quick access to Twin Cities markets, southwest Minnesota is a great place to locate your...
Category: Economic Development, Site Selector Resources
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from "Fighting for an American Countryside" by Ground Level and MPR News.
Video by Jenn Ackerman and Tim Gruber -
People in rural Minnesota are battling small-town decline with determination, resourceful thinking, and unwavering belief.
An MPR News Ground Level project
By Jennifer Vogel
Photos and video by Jenn Ackerman and Tim Gruber
Category: Videos
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The Minnesota Solar Challenge
CR Planning is working with state agencies, renewable energy advocates, and business organizations to better address solar energy development in local plans, development regulation, and permitting processes. The Minnesota Solar Challenge, administered by the Minnesota Division of Energy Resources, works with local governments to create a self-sustaining solar energy industry in Minnesota and enhance opportunities for homeowners and businesses...
Category: Renewable Energy
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Looking for ways to revitalize your community?
Category: Business Resource
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Download the Business Assistance Application here!
Category: (none)
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DSIRE is the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University and is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Category: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiencies Funding programs
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As part of its Farm Energy Efficiency Program, The Minnesota Project has created the following resource center to help interested parties learn more about on farm energy efficiency. The resource center contains a collection of the most relevant information relating to on farm energy efficiency. From specific information concerning the most efficient milking pump technology, to do-it-yourself farm energy audit tools, we aspire for...
Category: Renewable Energy
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Category: Renewable Energy, Minnesota Agriculture Resources
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Category: Renewable Energy, Minnesota Agriculture Resources
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Category: Renewable Energy, Minnesota Agriculture Resources
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The checklist below provides the basic steps you should follow to start a business. This list should not be construed as all-inclusive. Other steps may be appropriate for your specific type of business.
Category: Business Resources
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Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development: See Why Minnesota is the best place to live, work and do business.
Category: Business Resources, Start a Business
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ERS promotes the well-being of rural America through research and analysis to better understand the economic, demographic, environmental, and social forces affecting rural regions and communities. In collaboration with other USDA agencies, ERS research helps provide rural residents and community and business leaders with the knowledge and skills to help their communities thrive in the global economy.
The objectives of the Atlas are:...
Category: Site Selector Resources
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US Farm™ exists for one reason, to help you reach your target market of Farmers and Ranchers.
With a database of over 2.5 Million Farmers and Ranchers, US Farm Data™ can get you the data you need to not just market to the farm community, but to pick and choose the best prospects for your business.
It doesn't matter if you...
Category: Redwood County Ag Statistics
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On this page you will find access to 100+ digital maps based on our most popular publications, the Atlas of Minnesota 2nd Edition. This publication was released in 2003 through a partnership with University of Minnesota Extension Service and the Blandin Foundation.
These maps provide data for Social and Economic Characteristics of Minnesota.
Maps are continuously updated as new data becomes available...
Category: Site Selector Resources
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