Farmers Union Industries, LLC: Working Hard for the Hardworking

Monday, January 09, 2017

There are a calloused handful of hard facts about farmers, including that they work hard – real hard – and they don’t let anything go to waste. So what do they do with things that seem like waste, such as grease and secondary wheat products?

They use it to make biofuels, livestock feed, and cat litter, of course! FUI, LLC, is a collection of companies geared toward providing the best products possible for farmers, as well as using any of their leftovers to provide the best products possible elsewhere (or even back to the farmers) in a resourceful, environmentally sound way.

If you’re a farmer, it is worth a look. If you aren’t, it is still worth a look at their website ( or a peek at them on the Map-N-Tour link at

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