Larson’s Home Furnishings: Clever Construction

Monday, August 21, 2017

Larson’s Home Furnishings has been operating for over a century. Their motto, tailor-made for pun lovers, has remained the same since 1949: “Feather your nest with a little down.”

When first established in 1908 by Lars Larson, the business was called Larson’s Furniture and Undertaking. But don’t worry – this Norwegian homesteader and his wife Hannah purchased two lots, one for each end of the business.

They weren’t the only ones in the dual-business; many who built furniture also built coffins. Since it went well together, their motto then was “We serve you from cradle to grave.”

Take a closer look at Larson’s fascinating, tag-lined history

You can look at their furniture there, too.

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